National Center for Education Statistics
Information about individual public and private schools and colleges, and libraries throughout the US. Includes school characteristics, demographics, enrollment by grade in an easily accessible format.
NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards
Explains educational expectations by grade level as per Core Curriculum.
NJ School Performance Report
These reports are designed to inform parents, educators and communities about how well a school is performing and preparing its students for college and careers
Site includes links to information on the tests, tutorials, and practice tests.
College and University Rankings
This site maintained by the University of Illinois provides an annotated guide to the many college ranking lists for both graduate and undergraduate colleges and universities. Includes a “Caution & Controversy” section detailing and questioning the methods, validity, and value of the various lists - or indeed of any list. Also provides lists by subject and discipline.
College Navigator
Good college selection site based using information from the National Center for Education Statistics. Select for state, degree, programs/major, setting, test scores, tuition, and more. Links to preparing for college, financial aid, and career planning.
Community College Finder
Find information about community colleges.
Data Science Programs
Information on various Data Science programs and degrees by level.
Library Science Degrees
An online resource dedicated solely to library and information science, education, and careers.
Speech Pathology Degrees
Shows you the benefits associated with pursuing a speech therapy or speech pathology degree and will give you with some tips towards becoming certified within the speech language pathology area.
Teaching Degree Programs
Search over 3,100 different teaching degrees and 1,700 different universities with accredited programs.
U.S. News & World Report: Best Colleges
Lists ranking colleges by different criteria: best schools, best liberal arts, best value, and more. Articles on admissions, paying for college, and other information of interest.
U.S. News & World Report: Best Grad Schools
Lists ranking colleges by discipline. Additional articles and tips for graduate students.
College Affordability Guide
This site provides information and advice regarding options students have to reduce the cost of their degree. “Affordability Scores” for the colleges are also provided.
College Affordability and Transparency Center
A tool from the U.S. Department of Education about college costs.
Applications and filing for the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®).
Federal Student Aid
Includes information on preparing for college, types of aid, eligibility, repayment options, and FAFSA instructions.
Comprehensive site on all aspects of financial aid; scholarships, loans, applying for financial aid, saving for college, calculators, and more. - Grants, Financial Aid, and Scholarships
Information on financial support for New Jersey students.
Official site of the ACT test includes test dates, and the ability to create an online account for registration, printing admission ticket, and submitting scores. Practice questions and tips included.
Information about the SAT and Subject tests, including practice, dates, and sign up. Also information on colleges, majors, and financial aid.
GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test)
Official website for the GMAT. Information about the test and registration, free downloadable study software. Many other materials available for a fee.
GRE (Graduate Record Exam)
Test centers, dates, preparation including complete sample tests for GRE and GRE subject exams.
LSAT (Law School Admission Test)
Registration, test dates and locations, free sample questions with explanations, free sample test.
TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language)
Registration and information about the Test of English as a Foreign Language exam. Includes tutorials and practice.
A project of the Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania that monitors the accuracy of statements made by major politicians.
Practical Money Skills
Visa’s financial literacy initiative with resources for students of all ages.
Purdue OWL
Find writing, research, and citation information at the Online Writing Lab (OWL) of Purdue University.
A not-for-profit resource that provides the pros and cons for a variety of topics.
The free resources on this site include literature guides, learning guides, college prep content, and more.
Helps teachers integrate technology in the classroom. This site helps locate online tools and resources such as ready-to-use Web lessons, classroom calendars, quizzes, as well as resources in both English and Spanish for rubrics, project-based learning, and notes to send home.
Colorin Colorado
A bilingual site for educators and families of English language learners.
A resource about teaching with documents from the National Archives.
A collection of resources in the humanities, literature, history, American history, foreign language, social studies. Primary sources, lesson plans by grade level, and stand-alone activities included.
Discussion of issues relating to information technology in education.
Learning Network: Teaching and Learning with the New York Times
Lesson plans and activities based on material from the New York Times. Recommended by the Times for ages 13 and up. Some interactivity.
Lesson Plans from NEA
Activities and lesson plans from the National Education Association for Pre-K through Gr. 12. Browsable by month, grade, or subject.
Library of Congress: Teachers
Classroom materials for teachers enabling them to use primary sources from the digital collections of the Library of Congress.
MERLOT (Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching)
Online community and resource sharing with teaching and learning material for faculty, staff, and students in higher education.
Instructional guides and materials for secondary education on religion and the environment in American History with links to online resources.
NJ State Library JerseyClicks
Find links to databases such as Academic Search Premier, ERIC, Literary Reference Center, Middle Search Plus, Novelist K-8, and Teacher Reference Center. (Available for use in libraries only.)
Reading Rockets
National multimedia literacy initiative with resources to help readers build phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension skills. Online course on teaching reading.
Digital reading comprehension curriculum that includes fiction and nonfiction articles with lessons, vocabulary, and assessments aligned with all state standards. Instructional design includes embedded teacher training.
Watch Know Learn
Library of educational and instructional videos in wiki format. Appropriate for primary and secondary school, searchable by subject, age range and common core.
Academic Earth
A free collection of online college courses plus original content.
A for-profit organization. All courses are free to audit, but a mixture of free and fee-based courses. A range of requirements, student assignments, credits, certificates, and fees depending on the course. Some courses can be quite expensive.
Free online courses. A nonprofit effort originally started and administered by MIT and Harvard, but joined by other universities. Not for credit, no certificate.
Khan Academy
Free library of online instructional videos, including practice videos for SAT. Non-profit, and underwritten in part by Bill and Melinda Gates. Skills for secondary education.
MIT OpenCourseWare
Free and open access to online materials for MIT courses for self-learners. Non-degree, non-certificate granting. Lecture notes, exams, and videos.
Open Yale Courses
Provides lectures and other materials from selected Yale College courses to the public free of charge via the Internet. The courses span the full range of liberal arts disciplines, including humanities, social sciences, and physical and biological sciences. No registration, fee, credit, or certificate.
TED (Technology, Entertainment, and Design) Conference
Videos of talks given by prominent guest speakers. Each speaker has a maximum limit of eighteen minutes to present their idea. Topics cover a wide range of subjects in science and culture. Mission statement:“Ideas worth spreading.”
Free online college courses in computer sciences and related subjects. Certificate of completion given for each course.
Last updated March 2, 2020